On October 21, I will be joining Jim McKeeth and Kees de Kraker from GDK Software to present a day of Delphi followed by an evening of pizza, beer, and conversation. Think of this event like a mini conference: informative technical sessions, opportunities to engage with other developers, and a fun event to share experiences developing software with our favorite development tool.

The event will be held at the Irish American Heritage Center in Chicago. Please visit the event registration page for more details.

I will be presenting the following session:

VCL Layout Techniques

Today’s computers utilize a wide variety of display sizes including High-DPI displays and 4K monitors. Developers rely on layout techniques to create a responsive user interface that can handle varying display sizes. This session focuses on the various VCL layout techniques available in RAD Studio. Traditional layout techniques such as the Align and Anchors properties and the TPanel control are briefly covered, but more emphasis is given to more recent additions like the Windows 10 inspired TRelativePanel along with the TStackPanel and TCardPanel.

Of course, I will be available during the entire event to chat and answer questions. Hope to see you in Chicago!