This year’s Entwickler Konferenz (EKON 26) will be held on November 7-9 in Dusseldorf, Germany. I am very much looking forward to speaking at this year’s event in person. Visit the EKON website for more information about the conference and to register. I...

EKON 25 & DelphiCon 2021

It’s going to be a busy November for Delphi conferences. First up is EKON 25, which is being held next week November 8-10 in Dusseldorf, Germany. Hard to believe it’s been 25 years. I’ve presented sessions each year except for 3. This year,...

Desktop First UX Summit

Embarcadero is sponsoring a new Desktop First UX Summit, a free online event September 16-17, 2020. I’m excited to be presenting the opening keynote for the event. Visit https://summit.desktopfirst.com/ to book your free ticket today! How Mobile First Ruined...

Developers[]: An Array of Developers

Nick Hodges has created a new site at arrayofdevelopers.com. According to Nick, “the site is dedicated to the Developers[] project — an attempt to gather up the coding wisdom of the best and brightest in the software development community.” I was fortunate...