Introducing Delphi 95

Twenty-five years ago today, Borland launched Delphi and the world of software development was changed forever. I was very fortunate to have been involved in the months leading up to the launch by writing articles about Delphi for my Blazing Pascal column which was...

#Delphi25th Webinar

Delphi is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year (#Delphi25th), and Embarcadero will be hosting a webinar on Friday, Feb 14, 2020 to celebrate this milestone. For webinar details and to register, please visit:...

EKON 23 — Register Today!

EKON 23, The Conference for Delphi & More will be held October 28-30, 2019 in Dusseldorf, Germany. I will be presenting the following sessions: Supporting High DPI Displays in Delphi Delphi Rio includes new features specifically designed to provide better support...

Developers[]: An Array of Developers

Nick Hodges has created a new site at According to Nick, “the site is dedicated to the Developers[] project — an attempt to gather up the coding wisdom of the best and brightest in the software development community.” I was fortunate...